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Every Believer is a Minister

Mary Lynn Tolar

1 Peter 2:9 (NIV): “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.”


Imagine this: You visit a new church. The building is full of people dressed in everything from shorts to three-piece suits to motorcycle rags. Praise and worship are soulful and loud. And, now, the Pastor asks all ministers in the congregation to remain standing. As you sit, you notice that at least 80% of the people are standing. Wow! You think, “This must be a church that exists for ministers!”

My family experienced this in a growing church in Houston, Texas. Week after week, the pastor would ask this question. Then he would clarify by reciting 1 Peter 2:9, which says that God has appointed every Christian to be a royal priest and do Kingdom work. That was a mind-blowing change for me to accept. I was a minister, whether I was chasing kids and changing diapers or teaching and preaching. The Lord thought it was all important, and I was recognized by Him and authorized to represent Him to others. My mind replaced the “disqualified old sinner” mental image with “royal robes and the favor of an ambassador.”

Yes, the truth is that the church does exist to strengthen and support ministers as they fulfill their assignments. It is set up to support their ministries with prayer, wise counsel, and care. It helps equip them for their ministry and provides a safe place for mentorship and counsel. However, the church is not set up to do all the ministry. Each of us has our own sphere of life where we can reach neighbors, coworkers, groups, communities, and even nations as the Lord equips and sends us out. Church pastors and staff have a ministry of serving the ministers in their care – that is, you and me! We have been honored and given our own ministry work to do. Bible colleges prepare some, but most are trained by the Holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth and uses the local church body to prepare us to take Jesus’ ministry outside the church walls.

Meditate on this scripture and let the Lord renew your mind with its truth. Seeing yourself in this new light will make your life and ministry more fruitful. You’ll begin seeing opportunities to serve all around you.  Your prayer life will change direction to focus on the people the Lord brings into your life. Your daily witness wasn’t designed for the redeemed but to draw others to know Jesus. You are chosen by Jesus to share His life with others, so ask Him what He wants you to do with Him today. Pray? Observe others to discover their needs? Study scripture so you can share it with others? Share a spiritual book with your neighbors; invite them to a fellowship or church event? Tell your salvation story? The Lord has qualified you, and He will always lead you. Please Him by walking into your new role with confidence today!

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