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Gratitude Under Pressure

Mary Lynn Tolar

Gratitude is both a relational response and a weapon to use when walking through a spiritually fallen world. Think about it. Consider that your dentist just outlined an extensive need for your dental care, you return to the parking lot to find scratches and dents on your car and a flat tire, and your spouse calls to inform you of a diagnosis of covid. Being hit with so many problems at once knocks you off balance, sure, but focusing on the things you are grateful for can reclaim peace and help you prepare to problem-solve. You see, our independent way of relying on ourselves is not the answer. Placing our focus on the goodness of God suddenly lifts us above our inability to fix things, to the One who has the answers.

Beginning to thank and praise the Lord for each little and big thing takes our focus off ourselves and places it on Jesus. That’s where our help comes from. (Psalm 121:1-2) We may see ourselves as “grasshoppers in a land of giants,” (Numbers 13:33) but when we turn to the triune God, the Creator of all things, whose nature is love for His children, we suddenly broaden our vision and regain the upper hand against the pressures.

It’s as simple as proclaiming thanks for dentistry and your dentist’s care for your teeth. Go from that and pray thanks for the blessing that you have a car and you were safe when the car was hit in the parking lot. Build your prayers up to praising God that the sickness was caught early, that there is medical care in action, and that Jesus went to the cross with stripes on His back for your spouse’s healing. (Isaiah 53:5 NIV “He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.”) Increase the power of your praise confessions by calling on the Lord’s character (See Jehovah Jireh, the one who provides in Genesis 22:14) by name and quoting scripture like the healing reference above.

You may feel hypocritical, at first, to practice gratitude when you feel like punching something or weeping, but there is always something to share thankfulness about. Throughout the Psalms, you can find David’s laments over trying conditions that he then turns into praises of gratitude. He focuses on the God who is great and mighty, and worthy of praise. He faced some heavy opposition, and his praises helped him to find deliverance through the Lord’s hand. This is a good lesson for us.

The following list covers a few things common to believers to include in your silent prayers or those you pray aloud in confession. As you begin to give thanks, you will find there are more and more things you are thankful for. It is good to write them in a journal so you can remind yourself later of the answered prayers and blessings you’ve received. It will build your faith that Jesus will help you again.

Salvation - God’s plan to redeem you as a fallen man, born in the smear of sin, was intricate and detailed to be effective to generations. He proclaimed it in the hidden language of prophets and scripture and He was always true to His covenant to Abraham. His descendants are as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand in the sea. And think of one of those stars as representing YOU. He created you and placed you on earth for your lifetime to become an eternally adopted child. He sought you out because He first loved you and wanted fellowship with you. He chose you and wooed you to receive Him and be cleansed by repenting of that weighty sin. Now, you have restored fellowship with Him forever. Every day is worth a heart of gratitude!

Overcoming - Our Savior, Jesus, the holy Son of God, counted the cost of pouring out His Lordship, ability, and authority to be born as a helpless baby to a young couple poor in treasure but rich in faith. Our Great Shepherd counted the cost of building a temple in His redeemed sheep – misunderstanding, rejection, scorn, jealousy, betrayal, abandonment, torture, and the very cost of His earthly life. In all this, He still set your salvation as worth the cost. When He descended to Hades, He overcame every scheme of the enemy by taking back the authority Adam and Eve had handed over in the Garden of Eden. God has given that authority to overcome to you as part of your inheritance in Christ.

Purpose - The Lord has planned days that have purpose and are good for you. He has brothers and sisters in Christ to overlap parts of your spiritual journey, the body of Christ to worship and fellowship with, families, teachers, pastors, and disciples to help you know Him better through studying His Bible. Wisdom and knowledge are released to you as you pursue His ways. He is always growing you in faith and stands by to guide you and cheer you on. You are a unique creation and every one of your fingerprints attests to the fact that there are none like you. Your Creator rejoices in that.

Worship - Worship is a direct path to drawing closer to God. It blocks the cares of the world around you and restores peace to your soul. When you think or sing about God's goodness, you grow to know His character more. When you know Him more, you trust Him more. Your relationship deepens, and your faith grows. Deeper worship creates an environment where the Lord can move in your life. The Lord created it this way for you.

Prayer - Our God knows it’s challenging to have fellowship when you can’t see or speak to someone. He has given us the Bible and the Holy Spirit to teach us what He wants for us, and Who He is. We can come boldly and directly to Him to talk and receive His love and guidance. He is always there to communicate and frequently initiates communication with a thought or question that draws you to Him in prayer. He renews your mind; teaches, comforts, and guides you; and expands your wisdom, understanding, and vision through prayer. He shows His love to you in prayer.

Make use of this great spiritual gift of gratitude. With the Lord’s help, form an attitude of gratitude and seek to see things through Jesus’ eyes. Apply the instruction of Psalm 100:4 (NIV): “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.”


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